课堂外搞买卖 参加活动成长快_眉山冠城七中实验学校

课堂外搞买卖 参加活动成长快

来源:未知时间:2019-05-30 09:13


                                  课堂外  做买卖 

A: Good afternoon, welcome to our shop.
B: Good afternoon.
A: Can I help you? May I help you?
   What can I do for you?/ What would you like?
B: Yes,please. I'd like to buy...
   I want to buy ..../I need..     
A: Sure./ good choice./
B: It looks nice./ I like this one. 
   I'll take/buy it.
   How much is it?
A:  It's ... yuan.
B: OK, here you are./ Here is the money.
( B: Sorry, it's too expensive/old/ small/big./ I don't like this. ON SALE ?)
A: How about this one?  It's on sale、
   It's cheap/ It looks nice.)
A: Anything else?
B: Nothing more。
A: Thank you!  Here's your change.
    Have a nice day! 
  Best choice and best discount. 
  Big sale.     On sale.     50% off
  Easy to use and great value.
  Brighter Shopping, Brighter Price.


                         The 4th English Flea Market event
  We hosted the 4th annual Flea Market event on Thursday. Hundreds of enthusiastic students and teachers joined the event.   
  During the Flea Market, our students worked as sales people touting their goods and negotiating prices with potential customers. They practiced their oral English and real-work math by making deals, giving change after each purchase, and tracking inventory.
  They had a great time!
  The event provided a chance for kids to practice their English,to use their math skills,to work on their communication skills and to develop their self-confidence.  In the end, the most important benefit of the Flea Market was the bountiful harvest of happiness.

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